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Getting started with Co-Lab

Getting started with Co-Lab

On this page

Co-Lab basics

You can open this page in a new browser tab or window so you can refer to the guidelines while you are working.

Co-Lab allows you to transcribe, tag, translate and add descriptive metadata on digitized images in our collection. Check out our About Co-Lab page for more information.

Contribution status

Save your work before moving to the next digital object. Read and agree to the Terms of use and click on “Save changes”.

Transcription guidelines

Translation guidelines

Keyword tags

  • You can add a keyword tag by typing in the “Keywords” box and clicking “Add.”
  • Keyword tags can be thematic, using a tag to group the image into a category of similar images. Example: “FWW” (for First World War) would be a thematic tag. Adding both “FWW” and “First World War” as keyword tags would further improve the ease of finding the image in our search engines using either term.

Creating useful descriptions

"Page details"

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